Monday, October 3, 2022

Energy Polarity and Universal Forms

There is a symbiotic relationship between two universal forms, male and female/masculine and feminine. All life as we know it is an expression of a potential design (morphology) in the universe. All life forms are expressed in the physical world having a sexual idenitity. All life forms are an expression of the male and female universal energy. Sentient beings can be aware of their own sexual energies, as well as have a biological understanding of the male/female energies of other life forms. From the flower to the higher mammals each is a composite of evolved, genetically, and cellularly based polar energy. Down to the cellular level there is a genetic basis for sexuality or gender.   Since all cell lives have a “sex”, the complement of sex chromosomes has the potential to influence biochemical pathways and cell physiology. The sex chromosome pair is composed of a combination of X and Y chromosomes. The main difference between X and Y chromosome is that X chromosome is the female sex determining chromosome whereas the Y chromosome is the male sex determining chromosome. The only difference between X and Y spermatozoa lies in their DNA content. Moreover, recent proteomic and genomic studies have identified a set of proteins and genes that are differentially expressed between X and Y spermatozoa. Therefore, the difference in DNA content might be responsible for the differential expression of certain genes and proteins between these cells. (1) The genetic difference in chromosomes might lead to the difference in chemical productions responsible for sexual differientation and other polar sexual differences in all sexually polar species (dimorphism). Each expressed form has male and female organs, organs that are specified for the dimorphism of their species. For example the flower expressions, sometimes of distinct gender sometimes combining to form a uni-sexual/intersex life expression.  
In human forms the most important sex-differentiating effect is caused by the Y-linked gene Sry, which acts within gonadal primordia to cause differentiation of testes in males. Genes that are present in both sexes cause differentiation of ovaries unless Sry is present, so Sry expression is the root cause of sex differences in the type of gonads. The differentiation of testes rather than ovaries establishes a lifelong difference in the levels of gonadal hormones, especially testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone, which act directly on cardiovascular and other tissues to make them function differently in the 2 sexes. Some effects of testosterone (or its metabolite 17β-estradiol) are permanent (organizational effects), for example, the hormone-induced male pattern of differentiation of the genitals or brain. Others are reversible (activational effects) and may last only as long as the hormone is present. (2) As we come to understand the sexual nature of alll life forms, we will be able to scientifically differinatate what is responsible for male and female expression in any species we investigate into. Even the brain may be influenced by the chemical and genetic basis for sexual identity. Once we understand what features the polarity contains on a mental/psychological plane, we can have a deeper understanding of ourselves, our sexualities, and their relationships.     Health wise, when the forces at work are better understood we can do energy work that can return the energies to a healthy expression and better identify each other socially.   Where this takes on a transcendent conception is in realizing that this polarity expresses itself not just with life on earth but most probably with life-forms elsewhere. Maybe one day we will discover such life, and in doing so feel more relatable to them if they too, express the energy polarity of masculine and feminine.

*Notes & References Animus and Anima : A science of understanding gender? Gender science?

Friday, October 2, 2020

Non-Linear Consciousness

What is non-linear consciousness? Linear means 1) occuring in a single sequence of time or 2) occurring within the confines of individual conscious-space.

So, when describing or defining non-linear consciousness these two aspects no longer hold complete physical value. The spiritual self experiences both linear and non-linear cognitions. It is possible to get them confused. If you imagine something or think of something it can be quite difficult to distinguish if you are experiencing linear consciousness or non-linear space-time conditions.

Some individuals may experience abilities of non-linear consciousness more than others. This is because of the training of the spirit/mind or innate genetic tendencies.

 Let me address 1 and 2 in their opposites. 1) Is cognition of future events, either through audio or visual mental experiences. 2) Is cognition of non-local awareness, as in remote viewing.

How can the mind be trained to take up any of these two abilities?

 (2) Through noise reduction, that is noise with in one's mind, there is the possibility of opening what they call a "window" or "space."If you focus your intent on imagining a place, this is different than actually being their consciously.

With my experiences of remote viewing, you are taken their without intent, as if drawn to a window. It might be possible to use an intent in order to see through a window. If you are guided by someone to see a certain place, as to describe it, to prove your RV abilities, than you RV through intention.

How this is done via law abiding physical processes is unknown (to me). Hypothetically, the nature of reality is fractal, not just solid, liquid, and gss, but inside and outside of itself. It could be that there is another dimension in which consciousness exists that is transmitted to the brain through neuro-channels. These are the two possible explanations that might be built upon.

By experiencing more of the world, you raise your spatial consciousness which might contribute to a more salient ability, a more prominent and controllable RV ability.

Also through (1) noise reduction, meditation and entering trance you can receive visions of the future. As I expand my mind, it seems like it is easier to see the future than before in life. At times, when I have visions of the future they come with minor  seizures or a blanking out of situational awareness. One may get such visions during epileptic and psychotic episodes. 

We are constantly predicting what will come next. If you have ever finished someone's sentences, this would be an example of forming a prediction about the future. More minute registrations of the future, are of reading and talking. Visual predictions, on a short temporal scale can occur, and you can even plan and see your future thusly. Doing these types of things more often may enhance a precognitive ability. 

Where does this take place? Many of us in the Western world, have come to know the Eastern Chakra system. This system has a visual center called the pineal gland. This pine-cone shaped gland could act as an extra eye, hence the term third eye is used to denote it. Training your third eye, that is opening it ever more so, might be a practical spiritual practice to access non-linear consciousness. It could also be some kind of receiver, but I have found little on this while researching for this article.

In conclusion, for our better understanding of these kind of phenomenon, it is imperative to form experimentation. Such brings out the psi-phenomena for scientific validation. We already have tests that anyone can use online, both for remote viewing and precognitive abilities. Personally, I find that my experiences come on spontaneously, so I do not control them through intent (most of the time).

Here is one of my favorite videos on the nature of the 3rd eye:

Friday, August 30, 2013

The Future of Spiritual Communication Technology

We already have access to programs that detect the frequencies or vibrations that spiritual entities vocalize at. I have done this myself and there are thousands of people on video sharing networks that have posted their own experiments. These are among the many sources for real evidence of spiritual voices.

The frequencies seem to be of normal pitch's within the audible range of human hearing. Why can't we hear these now? If they are so easily recorded, why are they not detectable by the human ear? There seems to be what might be called a human deafness to these frequencies. In any case these voices remain detectable by our detection devices. Just because we can't hear something doesn't mean we can't create something in order to observe or detect the thing. This is a rule or motivation behind the many inventions that are a part of the scientific examination of the world. We can not see chromosomes, we can not see other galaxies, but our technology, extends our sensual perception, and thus what we can know and what is real.

Usually, what occurs when we record sound-waves is there are air pressure changes, disturbances by things or entities within the medium. Two conclusions come from this, which is either that they speak in sound-waves or that they speak within an electromagnetic field (medium) or some other type of unknown field energy. No matter if there are sound-waves or electromagnetic waves, both imply that there is a medium in which these beings have some kind of existence. I can also make a deductive conclusion from my Evp recordings that these beings can communicate with themselves, so therefore they must exist in a shared medium.

The goal of paranormal science would be to locate or construct audio devices that are specialized in picking up the vibrations in either fields, and demonstrating which fields, be they of air or electromagnetic energy, the beings communicate into.

Audio - Once this field is has been detected well enough by audio recording devices or audio-electromagnetic devices, they can be made and we can amplify their detection. In the same way we can detect frequencies from a long distance using other EM devices we can do so with future technologies.

Visual - Once the vocal phenomena has been recognized to exist in some stratum/dimension of energy, this medium maybe able to be detected by some device that translates their energy into the visual spectrum. As the audio can be translated from greater and greater distances the medium which they exist to allow for some kind of visual projecting will be assessable.
We can imagine in the future were there are places where human beings gather just to observe and hear the discarnate, and they will be able to call upon their passed relatives that still remain attached to the physical worlds and its many relations to the spiritual personalities/characters.

We can imagine in a future of paranormal activity where beings that have had influence on the history of humanity, will be able to present themselves in sound and even visuals. This is much like a storing process that we continue to do using the internet, and the possibility of creating interacting computer simulations (of Einstein or Edison) that can communicate with the living.

This is already quite possible with technologies we have now, but as with looking into the depths of space there will come inventors that enhance our perception of the spiritual medium and even beyond that plane (if there be such).

What a spirit exactly is, remains obscure. We do know that some present themselves as dead relatives, and are apparitions, that is images of their human selves. As far as I can deduce they have similar functions to humans and dissimilar functions, but this article is not meant to answer the question of what spirit is. We are capable of being acquainted with them, and its obvious that future societies can be open to more popular trend, a waxing of the passing of time of communicating with the passed and discarnate.

Here are some sites for finding amateur paranormal investigators :
3.  My own captures :

I am also working on devising a spiritual fantasy book, based on some of the ideas in this post.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Definition of Telepathy
Telepathy (from the Greek τηλε, tele meaning "distant" and πάθη, pathe meaning "affliction, experience"), is the transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the "five classic senses". The term was coined in 1882 by the classical scholar Fredric W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society for Psychical Research, specifically to replace the earlier expression thought-transference.

Telepathy refers to mind-to-mind communication without the intervention of the senses, e.g knowing what somebody is about to say. Clairvoyance refers to the mind picking up information from the environment, e.g knowing which card is about to be turned over or what horse will win a race. They are both forms of ESP or extra- sensory perception, a term which covers any communication between an organism and the environment that is essentially psychic in nature, i.e that cannot not accounted for by sensory contact, including subliminal cues or inference. ESP phenomena have been reported throughout history.

One common type of telepathy experience is so called crisis telepathy, where individuals suddenly become conscious that someone they are mentally close to has died, even though they are physically distant. (5)

As described by R. Osgood Mason, the report was "a description of various experiments undertaken... to determine... whether one person or one mind can receive impressions or intelligence from another person or mind without communication by word, touch, or sign or by any means whatsoever apart from the ordinary and recognized methods of perception or the ordinary channels of communication." (6)

The physics and e
xperimental methods

A) Mason categorized telepathic
experiments in four classes:
  1. Like the Willing Game, an experiment in which a prearranged task is accomplished with personal contact maintained between the operative (sender) and the sensitive (receiver).
  2. Those where a prearranged task was set with no personal contact between operative and sensitive.
  3. Where the sensitive ascertains a name, number, or card without using any of the ordinary channels of communication.
  4. Where two or more people convey the same impressions or have the same ideas although widely separated from each other. (6)

  B) Telepathy and its consequences

Primary receiver or sender :
A primary receiver receives the information signal transmission from the primary sender.

: Multiple signals interfering with desired/focused signal reception.

Signal degradation : reduction in link quality through mitigating factors.

Uncontrolled Reception Increase : Where the skill of the telepathic increases through the practice of telepathy, thus leading them to levels of interference.
Blocking : Methods of lowering interference; thoughts and behaviors which diminish the effects of incoming signals.
Willed “psiconnection” : Pulling a bit of your consciousness out of your body. Not all, just a fragment. This way you are very much aware of your body, and also aware of your target as well. Then, merge the detached awareness portion into the mind of your target.

Willed “teleconnection” : Requesting communication or sending signals to a particular person.

Signal signal
crossing : Sending out your own signal, which than is reacted to as a transmission from the primary receiver.

Multi crossing : Multiple signal reception.

Privacy interference : The illegal interference into personal memories or sensitive personal data, that can be used for exploitation means.

: When an individual thinks their minds can be read when there is no acknowledgment of a specific sender and their specific transmission.
Signal reality test : When an individual proves the signal received has been the one sent out, by communicating locally with the sender.

Psi channels
: the ESP organs or brain features within the brain. The brain might be thought to have various gates or receievers wherein it can attune to the physical world. As an example of thought channels, a person can be functioning on the desire and materialistic channels of the mind, where as in theory, a psi channel would be one where such things as entanglement, or other unknown causes, can effect telepathic ability. A biological or physical basis for psi channels, has not been researched in this publication.

: It’s possible to link together two quantum particles – photons of light or atoms, for example – in a special way that makes them effectively two parts of the same entity. You can then separate them as far as you like, and a change in one is instantly reflected in the other. This odd, faster than light link, is a fundamental aspect of quantum science – Erwin Schrödinger, who came up with the name “entanglement” called it “the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics.” (9)

Quantum entanglement has many areas of application, including secure encryption, ultra-fast quantum computers, ghost imaging, teleportation, and perhaps telepathy.

Humans are not the only subjects that show telepathic properties. It has reported that intact double-stranded DNA has an ability to recognize similarities in other DNA strands. This recognition occurs between sequences of several hundred nucleotides without physical contact or the presence of proteins. The way they identify one another and combine chemically is not fully understood. This behavior can be observed in water that contains no proteins or other material that could interfere with the reaction. There needs to be some sort of communication, attraction or guidance between individual DNA strands to explain this behavior. Do these DNA strands communicate through entangled particles?(8)

Entanglement is the physical phenomena which is used as an explanation of notion of the cause and thereafter mechanics of telepathy. Alternative causes can be proposed and investigated.

Non-entangled temporal normality
: If such were possible at a macro level we would witness more random fluctuations or changes that would not be accountable in the same sense as normal causes and effects take place. At a small enough level, without two or more shared particles or mirco phase spaces (place where atomic phenomena occurs), an observer can not test entanglement of the two or more regions of energy/matter.

Cosmic consciousness
: A mental plane that exists as being widely accessible through out the cosmos, and creating the union-ship of thought because of the sameness or knowledge of an absolute reality.

Sameness consciousness/unity consciousness : a number of conscious minds as thought of in terms of their sameness in their anatomy and informational structure.

Integral consciousness/holism
: The idea that minds can understand their own context and the natural context of the world within a holistic/unified/interdependent whole.

Source connection : The idea that all things, mental and physical come from the same source, a singularity 13.7 billion years ago (as in the Big Bang model).

Scientific Credence

Surveys show that a large proportion of scientists accept the possibility that telepathy exists. Two surveys of over 500 scientists in one case and over 1,000 in another both found that the majority of respondents considered ESP “an established fact” or “a likely possibility”—56 percent in one and 67 percent in the other.

Even before quantum mechanics began to supersede classical mechanics in the 1920s, many physicists were much more open to investigating psi phenomena than most psychologists seem today. An astonishing number of the most prominent physicists of the 19th century expressed interest in psychic research, including William Crookes, inventor of the cathode ray tube, used today in televisions and computer monitors; J.J. Thomson, who won the Nobel Prize in 1906 for the discovery of the electron; and Lord Rayleigh, considered one of the greatest physicists of the late 19th century, and winner of the Nobel Prize in physics in 1904.

The great psychologist Gardner Murphy, president of the American Psychological Association and later of the American Society for Psychical Research, urged his fellow psychologists to become better acquainted with modern physics.

Murphy wrote in 1968: “… the difficulty is at the level of physics, not at the level of psychology. Psychologists may be a little bewildered when they encounter modern physicists who take these phenomena in stride, in fact, take them much more seriously than psychologists do, saying, as physicists, that they are no longer bound by the types of Newtonian energy distribution, inverse square laws, etc., with which scientists used to regard themselves as tightly bound.… psychologists probably will witness a period of slow, but definite, erosion of the blandly exclusive attitude that has offered itself as the only appropriate scientific attitude in this field. The data from parapsychology will be almost certainly in harmony with general psychological principles and will be assimilated rather easily within the systematic framework of psychology as a science when once the imagined appropriateness of Newtonian physics is put aside, and modern physics replaces it.” (7)

Government Testing Telepathy Congressional Research Service was commissioned to do a report on psychic phenomena and offered the following conclusion:

”Recent experiments in remote viewing and other studies in parapsychology suggest that there exists an interconnectiveness of the human mind with other minds and with matter. This interconnectiveness would appear to be functional in nature and amplified by intent and emotion.”(3)

According to an official CIA paper written by Gerald K. Haines, the historian of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO):

There is a DIA Psychic Center and the NSA (National Security Agency) studies parapsychology, that branch of psychology that deals with the investigation of such psychic phenomena as clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, and telepathy.” (4)

In 1966 a man by the name of Karl Nikolaiev came forward as a volunteer for parapsychological research. Karl was a receiving telepath of skilled nature, and is one of the proving points that Psi Phenomena do in fact exist. The Soviet’s wired Karl up to bio-stat registering equipment, including an EEG machine, in Novosibirsk. In Moscow, Yuri Kamensky, a natural telepath, prepared to Send objects over telepathic frequencies to be recorded by Nikolaiev. Karl was not told when the telepathy would begin.

At 2000 Moscow time (Nearly Midnight in Siberia) Kamensky was handed the first package, containing one of the 6 objects he would send, having 10 minutes per Sending. As he began, Nikolaiev noted that the sending had begun (evidence in and of itself.) The object, a metal spring with seven tight coils, was correctly identified by Karl as “round, metallic, gleaming, indented…looks like a coil.”

Says Kamensky “it seems to me every person has this ability to send and receive telepathy. But like any ability, it’s necessary to train and develop it. Some people, of course, are more talented at it than others.” Nikolaiev was not a born telepath. He trained his ability. (1)

Normal Experiments

More recently Honorton has introduced Ganzfeld experiments. These assume subjects will perform better at psychic tasks if sensory information is blocked out. They also let a machine randomly select the target (which is any one of a thousand-odd images). Meta-analyses of these experiments show very significant effects, possibly because the images are more interesting and/or because blocking out sensory information aids telepathy and clairvoyance (e.g Honorton 1985). (5)

Twin TelepathySome of the most compelling evidence for telepathy comes from the study of identical twins. More than one hundred years ago, eminent British scientist Francis Galton published a short article in which he commented that twins in the company of each other were witnessed to “make the same remarks on the same occasion” or to “begin singing the same song at the same moment.”1 According to Guy Playfair, author of Twin Telepathy (Vega, 2002), as many as 30 percent of identical twins appear to experience telepathic interconnection.

The “Jim twins,” for example, had been separated at 4-weeks-old and were apart for 39 years. Both were named Jim, married a woman named Linda, divorced, and then married another woman named Betty. However, one Jim was on his third marriage. They both had had childhood dogs named Toy and sons named James. One son was James Allen and the other James Alan. They both had been firemen and sheriffs. Both bit their nails, suffered from migraines, smoked Salem cigarettes, and drank Miller Lite beer. Each was 6 feet tall and weighed exactly 180 pounds, though they wore their hair differently. Among the most remarkable shared details was that both had a compulsion to build a circular white bench around a tree each of them had in his yard right before they met.

Telepathic twins could be an illustration on the macro scale of what physicists see on the micro scale in electrons that have been entangled, or coupled. Entangled electrons must always have spins that are complementary, or opposite, to each other. If entangled electrons are allowed to travel light-years away from each other, they still maintain complementary spins. If the spin of one of them is altered, the spin of the other instantaneously changes. This “nonlocal” effect is due not to a signal between the two electrons but rather to the fact that in some way they have remained interconnected. (2)

Subjective Claims
In 1930, author Upton Sinclair published "Mental Radio", a book about his wife's ability to reproduce his drawings and those of others when separated by several miles. (6)

5th Dimension Secrets of the Supernatural -- Telepathy : Real experimentation and positive proof of telepathic communication.
