Friday, October 2, 2020

Non-Linear Consciousness

What is non-linear consciousness? Linear means 1) occuring in a single sequence of time or 2) occurring within the confines of individual conscious-space.

So, when describing or defining non-linear consciousness these two aspects no longer hold complete physical value. The spiritual self experiences both linear and non-linear cognitions. It is possible to get them confused. If you imagine something or think of something it can be quite difficult to distinguish if you are experiencing linear consciousness or non-linear space-time conditions.

Some individuals may experience abilities of non-linear consciousness more than others. This is because of the training of the spirit/mind or innate genetic tendencies.

 Let me address 1 and 2 in their opposites. 1) Is cognition of future events, either through audio or visual mental experiences. 2) Is cognition of non-local awareness, as in remote viewing.

How can the mind be trained to take up any of these two abilities?

 (2) Through noise reduction, that is noise with in one's mind, there is the possibility of opening what they call a "window" or "space."If you focus your intent on imagining a place, this is different than actually being their consciously.

With my experiences of remote viewing, you are taken their without intent, as if drawn to a window. It might be possible to use an intent in order to see through a window. If you are guided by someone to see a certain place, as to describe it, to prove your RV abilities, than you RV through intention.

How this is done via law abiding physical processes is unknown (to me). Hypothetically, the nature of reality is fractal, not just solid, liquid, and gss, but inside and outside of itself. It could be that there is another dimension in which consciousness exists that is transmitted to the brain through neuro-channels. These are the two possible explanations that might be built upon.

By experiencing more of the world, you raise your spatial consciousness which might contribute to a more salient ability, a more prominent and controllable RV ability.

Also through (1) noise reduction, meditation and entering trance you can receive visions of the future. As I expand my mind, it seems like it is easier to see the future than before in life. At times, when I have visions of the future they come with minor  seizures or a blanking out of situational awareness. One may get such visions during epileptic and psychotic episodes. 

We are constantly predicting what will come next. If you have ever finished someone's sentences, this would be an example of forming a prediction about the future. More minute registrations of the future, are of reading and talking. Visual predictions, on a short temporal scale can occur, and you can even plan and see your future thusly. Doing these types of things more often may enhance a precognitive ability. 

Where does this take place? Many of us in the Western world, have come to know the Eastern Chakra system. This system has a visual center called the pineal gland. This pine-cone shaped gland could act as an extra eye, hence the term third eye is used to denote it. Training your third eye, that is opening it ever more so, might be a practical spiritual practice to access non-linear consciousness. It could also be some kind of receiver, but I have found little on this while researching for this article.

In conclusion, for our better understanding of these kind of phenomenon, it is imperative to form experimentation. Such brings out the psi-phenomena for scientific validation. We already have tests that anyone can use online, both for remote viewing and precognitive abilities. Personally, I find that my experiences come on spontaneously, so I do not control them through intent (most of the time).

Here is one of my favorite videos on the nature of the 3rd eye:

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